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Museum Studies

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I was thinking about it and looked into it. I am not going into it since it is a hard field to get into. One woman at a historical site I visited told me that I would have more luck getting into the historical field if I got a degree in something such as business or web design. The way the economy is now the museums and historical sites are doing all they can to stay afloat. What you could is volunteer at one of the sites and then if an opening came up you already have your foot in the door. One woman I know got a job that way. I'm not trying to discourage you but, I believe you should have the facts before you make an investment in your education. Usually funding is pulled from the historical sites first.

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Thank Relaxby, thank you for the honesty. I currently volunteer at a small museum on the week ends and they love me there! I'm hoping I can find something low-level that pays for right now just so I can get some experience. There is a certificate program at a college near me, so I was thinking I could do that, then apply to grad school.

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