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Hey this is for anyone that has a tattoo or knows anyone that has one! I am going this week to get a tattoo and I was wondering, if it really hurts I mean like woah. lol and I wanted to know how many times does the needle go in you. Let me know thanks!


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I*m 17 and I have 2 tattoos. I had my first one on my hip and I nearly passed out! But I got my second one on my back and it didn't hurt half as much, it's done with kind of a little needle on a gun thing it's hard to explain. The most painful places are on your hip or on your ankle, anywhere on a bone really! But it's well worth it and afetr about a day or 2 it don't really hurt anymore. Just go for it.


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I have four tattoos, one on each ankle, one next two my belly button and one on my upper arm. It really all depends on where you get it, some spots hurt more then others. But what I have notice is your adrenaline is rushing when you go in, and it makes your pain tolerance higher then normal. Well it did for me

The tattooing gun has a motor on it, and it will go in and out really fast, it sounds like a buzzer. So there is really no way of tell how many times the needle will go in and out of you.

Make sure you go to a place that is up to health regulations, vary important.

I am sure you will do great, you will be so happy when you are done, you will want to get another one. Tattoos are additive

Good luck

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