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I need the smarts to talk to her again!

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Last summer I had the smarts to get the guts and engage in coversation with a girl. *shock* Amazing yes. It was a simple conversation at the bus stop that lead to me walking her home. Now this was only about a week after I moved into that residence. It's been a long time later and I still really don't know anyone here. I haven't talked to her since eaither (since I didn't have the smarts to get/leave a phone number). BUT here is my question


. i DO still remember where she lives. and i'm a good 95% sure i still remember her name, and where she workds. So is there anyway I can get to talk to her again without sounding like a real creeper? help me please! anyting would be very nice thanks

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Since you know where she lives, why don't you drop her a little card through the door saying that you enjoyed your conversation last time and hope that you can speak again soon. Also ask how she is etc.


Then leave your number in her card and say that you hope she'll be in touch very soon.


After that... wait

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