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the setting; we r goin to the movies

Things about him: well. we like the same things..

Things about you: same things.. like same music movies tv shows

Friends; his 2 friends r going.. they r dating and then its me and him its juss a hang out date to see what happens

Events you might had with him : nothing but this

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if you really want to flirt with him, ask him what he likes in a girl, and maybey he wills tart describing you...



If you just want to start a conversation, just talk things that you both are concentrating on, guess whats in his head and talk about it, don't bring out a random subject (althought thats not a bad idea now and then). If you are looking at the movie list, and him which one he likes, and tell him which one you like, etc.


Don't worry about it, guys are easy to talk to.

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  • 4 weeks later...

heyy ...well if u have only been hangin with him once while his friends were goin out and it was just u n him..then i know wat ur talkin bout ..that happened to me once..if u hang with him again or if u want to but dont know how u can like ask him to hang out with u then maybe ask his frineds if they want to go sumwhere like the movies or sumthin..and then be like ya..u shud get sum other ppl to go and name a few and him too ahaa then when ur hanging out just listen and join in on his conversations and really laugh alot at him and act like hes really funny and kewl n stuff..guys like it when they think gurls think there funny and kewl..so maybe just try talkin to him bout basic things like wat hes doin tomoro and find out from people wat he lieks n stuff and just talk bout that and sumtimes its eaiser to talk to a guy when ur friend is there too..so make it a converstaion with u and him and ur friend ..that wya u will find it easier to talk to him

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