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I would say that you need to focus on that; specifically loving yourself so that you can meet and fall for people who would love you properly.


The sad thing is, I bet if you met a nice guy right now, you would like him at first, but then find yourself getting turned off by the fact that he's nice. Its important that you learn to find all the beauty that you have inside and realize that your ex doesn't deserve you.

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First thing is first. THis is not his problem it is yours.


One of the main reasons women stay in relationships with abusive jerks is because they lack self esteem.


Forget this guy. Do not call him, if you see him, make every attempt to get away. I have a feeling this may be a long drawn out struggle.

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He is being bitter because that is how he deals with his feelings.


There are no answer we can really give you here, other then let time take its toll. I know you have heard it before.


Let me ask you this, and pardon if you have stated it before, but was he your first true love? First boyfriend?

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Yeah, that dude is one big looser . He is far too selfish to be with someone who is as giving as you are.

Keep the NC thing going, and be ware that of course he's going to get in your face to upset you. Hold your ground and be strong. Obviously, he knows he messed up but too late for him.

Guys like that never change they only make you feel worse about yourself so that they can feel better about themselves.

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