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Do happily married couples stay "in love?"

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I know that people don't get married because they're not in love. But I know that you can't be "in love" forever, and it may come and go, but the true love for the mate as a person will stay forever. I was wondering if any married couples were "in love" forever, or if they just slowly die down and just love each other. Just curious.

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When you are first in love, you can't get enough of the other person, every thought or word seems somehow related to them. When there are little disagreements, they seem cute or ok, so you normally just ignore them.


Sometimes you get swept up in feelings for others, or seem distracted by life, and the partner must pull you together somehow and you do that for each other through trust, vision, maturity and love.


Romantic love can come and go, but the love of spouses for each other is permanent, I believe. It is a feeling that is difficult to get rid of. Too deep to discover or explain away.

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Love and marriage have nothing in common.

There are unrelated issues.


Marriage has to do with sociality, with rules accepted in society.


And love relates to the channels into the Universe.


Does love die?

Of course, as anything that lives, develops, has it peaks and downturns..


Does love die?

No. Because always and everywhere each byte of air is filled with love.


I realize that what I am writing might not be clear through the end.

But who said that love can be understood?


Man & Woman and their relationships is the great mystique.

Marriage is not a solution to discover this mystique.


Love can exist without marriage, as marriage can exist without love.


What your love will be depends on you.


What your beloved will be depends on you.


What your marriage will be depends on you.


Love is the category of consciousness.



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