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totally confused...please help

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Sounds like you want to have it all. Which is not a bad thing. You are only 14. Take your time and you dont have to make a committment at your age to anyone. Have fun, but make it clear to both guys you like them both for different reasons, and take it from there. Trust me at 39 I know all about it, and you should just enjoy the moments. You cant regain your youth when you are older.


So Dont committ to either, but get to know them both better.

Have fun.

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You sound like you're a really popular, beautiful girl to have all these guys after you. You are lucky, yet you have to play your cards right, or you'll end up getting hurt or getting a rep you don't want. High school IS rough. I wouldn't go back if someone paid me. But the good news is that you've got help here that I didn't have when I was your age.


Guys are just as confused as you are right now. Take everything they say with a grain of salt. Like the previous person said, just have fun and try not to be so serious. You have plenty of time. Enjoy the fun while it lasts, and write down as many memories as you can so that you can read them when you're thirtysomething like me.


I wouldn't commit to anyone either... just tell them both you want to be important in their lives. You should be able to go to plenty of social events to see both of them. From the sound of your post, it is easy to tell that your heart is with Landis because he is more like you and the competition of all the other girls is not there to worry about, like it is with Dylan. The problem with the gorgeous sexy guys is that they usually KNOW it. But if he's being nice then give him the benefit of the doubt... he may genuinely care for you. Just don't think anything long term right now.... and have fun meeting lots of people at your new school. Good luck!

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If he says them again then just say whatever is on your mind..... you're young so it's not like you have to walk down the aisle with him right now. If you don't feel like saying anything like he says, then say, "That is really sweet, and that means a lot to me" and just flash him a big smile or give him a peck on the cheek. He'll get the message one way or another.

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