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Im too shy to ask her out...

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I like this girl from skool. i wanted to ask her out but unfortunately its a skool holiday so i cant ask her out. the only way is to call her(wat should i say to her on da phone???). i dunno this girl n we never talked before. shes only 15 n im already 17 years old(am I too old to date her??). wat should i do???????. Im too shy to ask her out. Give advise PLZ!!!!

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no your not at all to old to date her, to old is what 15 and 33 (lol) , i think you should just GO AHEAD, she might even be waiting for you to come talk to her! dont just come out and say I LIKE YOU, talk to her for awhile get to know her... just call her and be like hey, you seem cool as hell, im "so and so" from school... how are you? blah blah blah ! you know... dont bring it out right away youll know when to tell her...trust me

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A lot of guys were giving me crap for trying to go for this 16 year old chick (she's a model) - I am 23. If you look at her, she looks like an 18 year old, and she is nearly my height (I am 181cm she is about 175), and is really well developed. Most of my friends didnt like the thought, including my ex-girlfriend, but some of my other friends thought that as long it is legal to have sex with her, it's o.k.... So I'm not too worried about seeing her. What I am worried about is my parents meeting her, because intellectually she is lightyears behind me.

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