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I am sooooo confused!!!

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To be honest with you with the information that you've given in the post there's not much advice that people can give you at this moment.


Explain the situation in detail answering questions like...


How long have you known her?


How long has it been since you asked her out?


Do you spend a lot of time together?


Do you still think she is a good candidate for starting a relationship with you?


Is it worth it and do you think it could work out?


Have you gotten in anyway involved with her before? like kissed or done any kind of flirting?


I'd be happy to give some advice but I can't really tell you something useful if there is no info to base my opinion on.


Good luck.

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She probably is just a little scared because she doesn't want a repeat of what happened with the other guy you said she dated, just give her time, ask her out to an event here in the next few days, if she says yes, go on it have a good time, and act like it's "no big deal" this will make her feel more comftable, trust me.... The key thing to learn about girls and dating is that YOU have to persue them and ask them out, but then leave it to THEM to decide how fast the relationship will progress

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In reply to you questions:


How long have you known her? About a year but I've really gotten to know her in the last 2 months or so.


How long has it been since you asked her out? About a month.


Do you spend a lot of time together? I talk to her about everyday on messenger.


Do you still think she is a good candidate for starting a relationship with you? She's been on my mind even since she said no so yes.


Is it worth it and do you think it could work out? I think it could because I'm pretty easy to get along with.


Have you gotten in anyway involved with her before? like kissed or done any kind of flirting? I've flirted with her and I THINK she returned some of the signals.

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there are two possibilities here:


one. that the girl likes you as more than a friend, but loves you as a friend, and is very scared to lose that, as a lot of us are.


two. the girl does not think of you as more than a friend. but cares a lot about u as a friend and needs you as a friend. hence she doesnt 'want' you to have feelings for her because she is afraid that it may endanger wat u have, which is a good friendship.


The only thing you need to know is which one it is, and then proceed from there. remember! communication is the only way to go!

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