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Does she want me back yet?

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Well the exgf phoned me 4 days after the break up and came over we talked i made her laugh touched her a few times on the arm and waist. told her i have met girls etc. she said why does this feel weird and that she misses me, we talked more then i said i had to go and she said ill leave it to you to phone next, its been almost 3 days since then and im wondering what to do. maybe she is waiting for me to phone to see if i still care about her cause that was the reason we broke up, i was pushing her away and always went out with my friends and never brought her. some girls tell me to send her flowers tomorrow others say phone her, im confused.



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Flowers or a call would be good. I don't know the girl, you would know what she likes best. I'm a girl and I really like to get both. If the problem was you being distant. The next time you see her mention some upcoming event with your friends and invite her along to that. She'll like that. I know I would.


I bet she does want you back by now.

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I'd say. It does indeed sound like she wants to get back together. After all, why would she tell you she misses you, but if you told her you were seeing others, I can well understand COMPLETELY why she would feel weird. Trust me, that is a WEIRD & very uncomfortable situation to be in.

If you are sure you want her back & are willing to stop seeing others, I'd say, go ahead & make contact. She left the ball in your court, so to speak.

But, if you just want to string her along, a sort of friends with benefits scenario, I wouldn't waste her time. It sounds like she deserves better & you don't really sound like you are willing at this point to treat her better...

Just my humble opinion, but it didn't say in your post that you missed her.....

I hope I didn't make you mad but I feel that would be the right thing to do.

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she broke up with me and that made me realise some things. i never said i was seeing other girls, i just said i met some girls. i never said i missed her i said i dont know because i didnt want to lay my feelings on the line like i did when we broke up. for the past week i have really been searching inside myself to figure out what i really want and i realise now that i wasnt treating her right, but im ready to take that step to be with her

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I hear you completely. I have no idea what I want. I sort of want him back and I sort of don't. I miss somethings and others I could do without. I think we all need to do some soul searching and figure out what we want.


Just keep an open mind that's what I am doing.



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ok so yesterday i was at the gym and i saw her there so i decided i might as well talk to her instead of ignoring her. so we talked she said shes been lonely and all shes done is work, i said ive been busy and met alot of people blah blah blah. i then asked her what she was doing tonight and she said nothing probably watching tv at home so i said if you want we can do somehting, she said ok like what, so we went out for margarita mondays at earls, we talked she asked for a hug i hesitated but then gave her one, she said she wanted to kiss me. we talked more about things and what each of us want. we went back to the car and we kissed a few times and she wanted more but i said we should wait. i drove her home and we pretty much said theres no point in getting back together unless we are sure of things. weve only been apart a week, so we are gonna try the single thing for a bit longer and see where things go from there. as it stands right now, i feel pretty good, id like to get back with her but if things dont work out i know i will be able to move on.

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so i havent talked to her for 4 days, i wanna phone her and ask her to go to the beach but maybe i should wait longer, i think shes phoned here once and blocked the number. not sure what else to do, im at the stage where i want to get back together now or just deal with it and move on, i dont want to be waiting for her for long

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If you were not treating her right, and you realize this, and she seems to want you back -- why not tell her?


I say write a letter (say what you need to say, but keep it brief -- she doesn't want to read a novel here), explain to her that you've had some time to think and reconsider the time you shared with her, and you've come to such-and-such realisations about what you did wrong. *Briefly* cover a few times that you should have shown more affection but didn't (use specific examples). Then, also briefly, cover a time or two that she did something for you and how great she made you feel for it.


Close with an offer to sit down and talk things over with her.


When you talk, don't get into a big who-did-what-to-whom fight, don't make accusations. Just make sure she knows how much thought you've put into your own flaws and how you're trying to correct them, and that you'd like a second chance to do things right this time and treat her the way she deserves.

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i already did that on monday with her, we went out for drinks and talked, at her request. We left it at that "if we get back together things will have to be different" and she said i know you love me and you know i love you, we just need a little time. so its now been 5 days, i phoned her this morning but she wasnt home.

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well today i was at the beach with a friend and the ex comes up behind me and says hi we talked for a bit then i just walked away. i later left the beach in my buddies car and came back in my car cause i felt bad about not saying by. so as i was walking to the beach from my car i ran in to her and she said lets go back to the beach. went back had fun in the water for a few hours then we talked on the grass and she kept touching me and then kissed me. she asked if i wanted to watch a movie tonight and i said i might be going out of town, and that i woudl call her if plans changed. she says she really misses me i said the same we hugged and kissed some more and left.



what should i do

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