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Question about internship


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I just moved to a new city for an internship and to be a nanny for a relative. I am going to be meeting with the person I am going to be doing the internship for on Tuesday so I am a bit nervous.


I have never done an internship before and the person that I am going to be meeting with has never had an intern before. So basically we are both in this weird place of trying to figure out exactly what I am going to be doing. I want to have a list of question ready when I meet with her but I am getting myself worked up to the point where I cannot really think of anything.


So I wanted to ask people on here what they might suggest. Here are some details to help:


1) Unpaid two to three days a week

2) The felid is higher-education administration

3) Both she and I want to arrange for me to meet/shadow people who work in various departments


If anyone has other question feel free to ask



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