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Value the future


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Value the future (for Gene)


What is the value

of me in your heart?

How do you feel

Now that we are apart?


What do you think

Now that you are alone?

Do you wander the floor?

Maybe look at the phone?


I hope you are taking

this time to ingest

To open to thoughts

That you need to invest


For me I am fighting

To make myself whole

While you begin wisely

The search in your soul


I know in my heart

That surely someday

Our souls will unite

I feel this is the way


Though paths become separate

But just for a time

I welcome the day

That they later entwine

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Thankyou I wrote that yes, I started writing back in 2000 as a therapy really, it helped me a lot, I decided to have a go last night and this is what I came up with. I'd been blocked for a long time, heartbreak is something that seems to open those floodgates, it just arrived...like they always seem to...

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