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Listen outrageousxo,


When anyone is drunk you can't really believe anything they say. They are impaired and it is not fair to only single out men that do this. Yes people do and say things when they are drunk that they would not normally do/say. Are you just venting or are you in need of a males point of view? I can tell you hate men right now and that is fine with me because there are many men out there right now that are on my s list .


If there is something that you want to know then either post it here or PM me.



Not all men are jerks!!!


Hubman 8)

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I agree that not all men are jerks. Not all women are jerks.


I have met men and women alike who use the same excuses over and over again on why they did or didn't do anything..


From my experience, I've noticed that people whenever intoxified or inhebriated, have a tendency to, yes, show their true colors, but closely mix it with irrationality, over-exaggeration and drama. To decipher between the true colors and those other moods and replies is like finding a needle in a hackstack. I've NEVER taken my drunken friends seriously when they're plowed out of their minds... unless they're having pain or are going to get sick--- THATS the only time they really tell the truth outside their drunken stupor. Otherwise, the whole thing is a big game to them, and using the excuse "because I was drunk" wears itselt very thin.


I'm suddenly reminded of Ghostbusters 2 with Dan Ackroyd and him saying he loves everyone when he got 'gooed'--- just add a slur and you'll have a pretty good example of how much people just act like idiots when they're drunk..


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i disagree...sometimes the only way i can really tell my ex how i feel about her is when im drunk. ill go thru the roll call at 3am and call her and its the only time i can let it all out for some reason. ive even actually cried in front of her when i saw her when i was drunk cuz i miss her so much.


i think you can talk a lot of crap when you are drunk, but i think when someone is talking about relationship stuff cant be totally discounted when someone is drunk.

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