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How to start...please teach me

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Take it step by step.


It's never a good mentality to have that you are just trying to get in her pants. I would venture to say that a majority of girls would see right through that.


Are you looking for a meaningful existence with another person?


Do you think you are ready to be there for someone, through thick and thin, even when she is PMSing?


I can tell you I never expected the amount of commitment and work relationships take. Don't take it lightly.

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How far have you progressed?


Usually it starts off kissing, then maybe touching and so on and so on.


If she says no during any of this, then back off and try to see what her limits are and how far she is willing to go.


It's hard to figure out if she will be sexually active with you without being at that stage.

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Whoah, she's just your friend, not a girl you've been dating? Does she talk about sex (yes, I think we should use the actual word instead of the "it" word when talking about this) with you often? Does she tell you that she sleeps with people who are just friends or random hookups? If she does, she might be the type who is willing to sleep with someone she's not attracted to.


If she hasn't though, this is pretty dangerous category. I mean, if my guy friends asked me to sleep with them, I would be seriously offended and it might even earn them a slap on the face. It's basically saying "you look like an easy girl which is why I'm asking you", even if you're not.


Don't be so eager to rush into sex and don't date someone just for it. If, when you do find a girl who you like and who likes you, you can bring it up casually. How many boys has she dated? How many has she slept with? Then...what are her limits when making out? Would she go all the way? Mention that you want to know her limits so you don't make her feel uncomfortable, or insult her, etc.


But really, if you're not dating someone at the moment, bringing up a conversation on wnating to have sex is *not* a good idea, unless the girl pretty much screams "I'm easy!! f**k me!"

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