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do girls wear stylish clothes to get guys attention

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i really just wanted to see the answer to this one.

i just notice. a small t shirt a small skirt and big jacket. WHY THAT.

just why do girls wear certain things. like there is the one girl in my class she wears a one purple colored shoe and one red. a nother just a t shirt. i mean what do you girls think when you put a small skirt on or a heavy jacket. what makes you choose one or the other and besides the weather. i kind of want both sides. someone who wears that type of clothes and that type. JUst wondering because i think clothes tell alot about a person that an hair. i just where regular t shirt and canvas pants. but it really isnt an issue with guys. just wondering about this cause i dont normally say this to a girls face why are you wearing that. you know what i mean

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I believe people select clothes for different reasons, some want to make a statement, other want to express a mood, other just want to impress their friends, while another does it to be trendy and/or attract others. and of course there are those that really don't give a hoot, and only put clothes on because you your not allowed to run around naked


Its also like a uniform, for example some people are into that "Goth" thing, and they think to them selfs hey, I'm different than you, yet what do they do? they go out and put on a "uniform" thats basically the same as many others, heck its so "commercial" now that there is a store chain that caters to just that kind of style now.


Lets see, many years ago,, they had "Flappers" (think Betty Boop) then came the "Beatniks" few years later it was the "Hippies" and then "Punks" you see there will always be that crowd that says hey, I'm not you, I'm with my own group, you don't understand me.


Of course there are the fashion slaves, always have to have whatever is trendy and expensive, got to have it first.!


so there is no real answer, it all depends on the person wearing it.

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Actually, I don't think that all women wear things to 'attract' a certain attention, but some do. I guess if some women want to be different, then they'll chose to do what that one girl does, wear one purple shoe and one red, because they want to make a statement about 'conformity'? That's just what I see.


However, for the most part, I think that we wear things that we like, because it makes us feel comfortable. Meaning, we don't wear things to 'impress' or 'attract' men. Me personally, I love to have my 'hip' days, verses on other days, I like to dress in nice blazers, or taylored jackets, and other days, I like to dress casually in jeans or sun dresses. I think that for the most part: it depends on the mood and occasion. Besides, I think that clothes also reveal another side of a person's personality. It shows their personal preference for things. Some people are simple and conservative, so they like to shop at Ann Taylor. It kinda reflects their personalities in one way or the other. Besides, it's fun to get dressed up sometimes. As long as I'm not dressed like a hootchie mama, and my clothes fit me nicely, then I don't mind.


I think that for some girls, they might wear things to attract a certain kind of attention, but for the most part, we like to wear things that we feel that is comfy. It doesn't mean that when we like to dress 'trendy', that we're trying to prove something. We just like fun/new outfits. Besides, when it's massed produced, and the designs look right, and the clothes seem to fit fine, then of course we'd like to have spoil ourselves sometimes. I think it's more innocent than anything. But that's just me. Hope this helps. Fun topic! Mahlina


P.S.- I guess it's almost equivalent to some guys dressing trendy as well. Some guys just like to dress nice, and other times, they like to be casual. They do so, because it's their taste. Some guys like wearing 'wife beaters,' while some women prefer walking around in mini-skirts. (I guess, if this parrallels to dress styles among women & men.)

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