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Destiny or fate... is it real?

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OK I've never been one to really believe in fate. Actually I never really thought about it but I was too logical to believe in it. But the other day I watched the movie "Big Fish" (good movie! kinda different tho) anyway that movie got me questioning whether there is such thing as fate and if we all have a destiny that's waiting for us. I want to believe it because I still feel down once in a while about this situation I'm in. For some reason it's comforting to think that my fate is just circling around me and it's all gonna end up ok. However, the logical side of me says that those ideas are kinda rediculous.


So I'm asking you guys mostly just out of curiosity; do you believe in fate or that everything happens for a reason?


Now that I think about it this post is kinda cheesy but I'm really curious about this

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I am going to go with the words of wisdom from Kid Rock on this one from his song "Only God Knows Why":


Maybe I forgot all things I miss

Oh somehow I know there's more to life than this

I said it too many times

And I still stand firm

You get what you put in

And people get what they deserve

Still I ain't seen mine

No I ain't seen mine

I've been giving just ain't been gettin'

I've been walking down that line

So I think i'll keep on walking

With my head held high

I'll keep moving on and only God knows why



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I think that in a logical world, fate turns out to teach us 'lessons.' I sincerily think that things happen for a reason. I think that there are things that happen, in which we don't have control of. Even as modern of a society that we live in now, there are things that go unexplained. For instance, 'micracles.' Sometimes, modern medicine doesn't always do the curing, but with the help of God, fate, and 'faith', some individuals do survive illnesess that are conisdered 'terminal.' In that instance, fate proves to us that life has it's own mysteries. Sure, we will all have our ups and our downs, but ultimately, fate's promising gift is to help us to grow as individuals. Without fate, or life lessons, we'd all be duds. So, I cherish everything that I've been through, because it's fate, and it's life.


We shouldn't ever take anything for granted. Everything that we have in our lives, the special people, our families, ancestors, etc., all belong to our own 'fates.' It's up to us to decide to cherish them or not. That's why I think that the purpose in life should be focused incentives that require people to look beyond the 'materialistic' things in life, and to focus more on the 'quality of life,' making the best of our futures, and cherishing those in our lives, who mean the most to us. One day, when they're gone, we can't turn things around. So the best thing that we can do is to realize that 'fate' brought us those 'special' people in our lives. We should cherish them, and cherish 'fate' . It's more of a spiritual belief. That's what I've learned through all of the struggles in the past. It's taught me that life's a struggle, but sooner or later, fate will bring us rewards. That is, if we choose to be 'enlightened,' rather than stunting personal growth, and buying into the concept of 'no fate.'


Everything happpens for a reason, whether we like it or not. The outcome of our fate, is about achieving personal wisdom/fulfillment. Otherwise, we'd be all walking zombies, without any preconceived notion of feelings or emotions. In that case, we'd just live life day in and day out, and have 'no worth,' value or respect for each other, and respect for the people or events that brought us to live in the society that we have today.


This might be a 'newage' thing, but that's what I see. That's what I believe, having been through lots of things in my life, and that's what I can say. I think that for those who have had the good life, they can't understand/grasp the true meaning of fate yet, because they haven't been through enough in life, and their rewards don't seem as apparent. But, think about it: when a person comes close to dying in his/her life, I think that the last thing on their mind will be their thoughts on how fate brought them to live a certain life, to raise a certain family (if they did), and to recall all of the major events that happened to them. They can look back, and say that their 'fate' brought them 'grattitude.' Hope this Helps!


Nice Topic!


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My opinion on this subject is that it's a combination of things. It has only recently (within a few years) been scientifically proven that the universe is a thought form, not a tangible object. Everything is made up of energy, EVERYTHING. This means that every thought put out there into the universe has power, whether it be negative or positive. Karma falls into place because if karma didn't exist, there would be no yin yang, no balance, and everything would just cease to exist. Balance has to exist.... the universe takes care of that itself so we don't have to. What we do need to do (you don't HAVE to do anything) but what you need to do is realize that you have a choice in everything that occurs in your life. You can either think positively or you can think negatively. I urge you to study metaphysics if you are really interested in the whole concept. I studied it for several years and it is very useful in understanding the big picture. There is way, way too much involved to explain it here. Look up some websites on metaphysics and it might help you understand better.


I guess my short answer to your question is that yes, you do have some power over what happens in your life, but this lifetime has occurred for you because you are destined to learn certain lessons in that time frame. You have the power to make some turns here and there, but the lessons will be learned and if you owe someone, you will pay them one way or another, and if someone owes you, they will do the same. Whether we want to or not. That's called karma. What goes around comes around. So try your best to be the best person you can be, I always say!

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