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Reference check's and offer correlation?

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Hi Everyone,


I applied for a position and had two interviews with them in a span of about a month. There are no more interviews left and it is decision making time. This past week they called to ask me for another reference since they couldn't contact 1 of 2 of the references I gave them.


My question is... is reference checking generally the last stage before an offer? Should I be expecting anything? I know every company is likely different. However, what are the general practices?



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Companies usually dont waste time checking up on references if they are leaning towards that candidate.


However, they might also be checking your competitions references as a means to distinguish the greater of the two applicants.

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It would depend on the company. I know my references weren't contacted for my current job (since I know the people well).


One time a bank called about my friend. He did get hired for the banking position soon after.


I still think it's a good sign

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Good to know! Thanks!


I was wondering maybe if they were checking references as another filtering tool to compare two or more candidates. It's nice that my former managers also told me they were called for a reference - now I know all references are in.... oh great, it's also a Friday... that means the weekend wait if I don't hear anything today. Oh well. Patience is a virtue

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