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Well LifeTooShort, I have one question for you:


Are you happy?


If you like the way things are between you two, then it doesn't really matter whether or not you may be gay. Don't get caught up in labels, they only hold you back. (I know lots of people with same-sex partners who still consider themself straight, but happen to be in love with another woman.) You mentioned that you have kissed, but do you want more? Does he? Could you talk with him about it? (I guess that's more than once question...)


I think it is entirely possible that you are soul mates. It is so rare that we find such close connections with another person. You are very lucky!


gay kisses,


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Hmmm....that's a tough one. I think people's sexualities fall on a spectrum and I don't think very many people are strictly "straight" or strictly "gay." I consider myself straight and I've always enjoyed sex with men, but I've also sort of fallen in love with another woman before. I think you'll find that very many people have ended up "falling for" a person for who they are and not because they fit into a category (gender, race, age, whatever). If you're worried about having a repressed sexuality, explore it! If this friendship with your friend feels right, you shouldn't feel guilty about it. Celebrate it! Love is a wonderful thing. Let it run its course, explore your feelings for each other. You two may discover that you do want to persue some for of "coupledom" or you may find that you simply love eachother very much but that you'd prefer to be with women for the long term. Either way, it's cool. You're lucky to have found someone who makes you happy, whatever direction you decide to take your friendship.

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Yes I am very happy. He has said that he has never loved a girl as much as me. I can only hope, that time will tell us what the truth is. Talking to him about the possibility that we may have feelings other than friendship is hard for him. It's a Mother and Father thing. I do want more, how much more, well I honestly just don't know. I do know that we both need each other in our lives emotionally. We have had fights and time apart and the time apart was hell for both of us.



Your right love is a wonderful thing. I know I love him and he loves me. Now we have to figure out in what way.

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