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no more advise

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slow down hun,


first why does she feel like that, what is hurting her? maybe something else is hurting her and she is just being touchy to everything else. i mean it really sounds like you love her and i don't think you deserve for her to come in and say that with out giving you a reason why she feels like that. you sound like a good guy, what could you possibly be doing to hurt her?

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well i called my love to try to get down to the bottom of all this mess and she had told me that she was writing me a note about all the times i have betrayed her.... i continued to tell her how much i loved her and she told me she loved me but that i just made her life more complicated.when i asked her to tell me what was on her mind she told me that i wasnt the only thing in her life and that she felt that i would be betraying her if i failed the 8th grade which sadly i happened to do...... i love alex with all of my heart and soul but i guess im just not good enough for her and i guess i am just gonna have to realize that on my own but anyway.... alex went on to tell me that this note about how much i hurt her went on for about 2 pages. i have tried my best to be what every other guy i know isnt, kind, caring, hounest,truthful,trustworth and LOVING and when i try to make her happy by pleasing her she tells me that i couldnt give her an orgasm and she reminds me of times that i couldn't everytime i try.... i love alex so much soo what should i do?

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Hey hold on there a second man, 8th grade? Commandment 4 of dating, thou shalt take it slow. But, i don't want to be the kind to tell you this sort of thing to scare you off from your relationship. It's good that you connect with someone but also, give it time. Realize that you have quite awhile to make decisions so always have that in the back of your head if ever you want to rush into anything, whether it be upping your relationship or whatever. Just keep that in your thoughts.

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