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W or F worse on transcript?

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Hi all,

I already have my undergrad degree... so these transcripts would only apply to future (if wanted) Master's programs, etc. Im taking two classes and have one week to decide to keep or W. I admit I overextended myself between working full time and taking on two computer classes with 100% new material. I am only taking these classes for buffing up my resume. IE, learning new programs.


One of the classes I think I can rescue. However, one of them I am very behind in and want to retake it anyways because I haven't learned enough from it.


So should I drop the one? and focus my energy on raising the grade in the other? Rather than spreading myself thin on both classes and getting bad grades in both???


I just am not sure if a W is better than an F? But I think it would be? Anyone know?


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I am not sure how it works where you go to school, but at my college, a W only counts against you as far as credit completion percentage goes. Here, that can affect academic standing (i.e. probation/suspension, etc.) and financial aid. Unless you are a poor student, I'm sure that is nothing to worry about.


Otherwise, it does not affect your GPA or anything else. Neither a W or F are particularly good, but a W is easier on your transcript in the long run. Like another poster said, be prepared to explain it when you apply to grad school, however.

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Yes, I think I will drop one of the classes. And put all my effort to the other, so at least i don't have two bad grades, or two drops? I think that would look better in the long run anyways. I just don't think I can rescue BOTH classes...so I am trying to think logically.


Im not even sure im going to Grad school, and if I go to grad school...its not in the same subject as I am taking these classes in...if that makes sense! I just dont wanna burn my bridges.

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With grad school, you just need to impress the one prof that takes you on... and it depends on the class too.. if it's directly relevant, if it's not nobody cares. i really wouldn't really worry about either. but a W would look better on a transcript. it's one bloop and it doesn't affect your gpa.

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My school told me an F is worse.


An F will directly impact your GPA. An W is just that. You're no longer enrolled in the class, so you don't get a "letter" grade for it. However, you still attempted the credits, so it will count there.


Another thing to be mindful about is your school's withdrawal policy. For example, here at my college, you have until a certain deadline to drop the class if you want a W as a grade. Beyond that, it will be recorded as an F. Late withdrawals do exist, but they require the professor's and dean's consent. It may be different where you go, so that is something to look into.

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I'm guessing you've never had a W before? If that's the case, you could just withdraw from the whole semester without any worries. W's only look bad when you have several of them - when there's a pattern.


Unless you're 100% sure you can pull an 'A' out of the one remaining class, I recommend withdrawing from both. Two W's will look better than a 'C' and a 'W'.


As far as explaining to grad schools, you really only need an explanation if there's a pattern. I withdrew completely from school *after* the deadline and got an entire semester's worth of WF's... they're like W's, but rate as F's on GPA. When I applied to grad school, I just said, "I had a great job opportunity and I wanted to take it." That's all I said...nothing more...and I still got admitted.

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An F will directly impact your GPA. An W is just that. You're no longer enrolled in the class, so you don't get a "letter" grade for it. However, you still attempted the credits, so it will count there.


Another thing to be mindful about is your school's withdrawal policy. For example, here at my college, you have until a certain deadline to drop the class if you want a W as a grade. Beyond that, it will be recorded as an F. Late withdrawals do exist, but they require the professor's and dean's consent. It may be different where you go, so that is something to look into.


This is exactly why I am asking now. The last day to withdraw is the 17th.


I've never had a W or failed a class. I didn't get a passing grade in one class, and re took it the next semester to fill the grade.

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