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how to talk to friend

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hey.theres a friend of mine who i havent spoken to in a while.last time i saw her,she was hurting becuase her grandmother was seriouslly ill in hospital.since then,her grandmother has died.


i was a little stupid last time i saw her because i accidently took something of hers by mistake and she got a little mad at me.and we were on good terms because i called her at 11pm a few nights before.


so basically,i want to know how to approach her.i just want to know how things are with her as i care about her but have no idea how she is

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Hi Uongy,


You're on the right track. Since you already have her phone #, I would give her a ring and tell her that she was on your mind and you wanted to call her as a friend to see how she was doing. If you still have what you accidentally took, then I'd mention that as well and ask when it would be a good time to get together and return it. Then mention if she ever needed a friend to talk to you would be there for her.


I bet you'd make her day!


Take care,


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