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Early in the morning in a land of despair,

A flower arises, wet with dew,

Everything around it envies its beauty,

Yet that beauty is just a fragment of the beauty of you.

Like a flower, the more our friendship matures, the more beautiful you become,

A stunning personality, openness toward others, and your ability to alleviate any situation make you special in my eyes -

In your presense, even speaking with you -

The time simply flies.

When I'm with you, it's as if you draw out a part of me,

Unlocking dreams from my memory...

Longing, futility -

Someone I could have never believed I would possibly be.

You cast a luminescent beacon over an erst shrouded green bay.

In my view, you're so beautiful, so perfect, in every single way.

So next time you see a flower, remember that for all its apparent lore,

It envies you, surpassing its beauty. You are like the most perfect flower, and yet so much more...

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