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Everyday social conversation starters

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Im socially inept =P


Anywho, I say hi and whatnot and it last about 30seconds I ponder in my mind what to say nexy but I do not want to seem nosy.


For example, today me and this other person met in the gym, I said hi and they said hi and I asked what they were upto and they said writing an essay.


That is where the conversation stopped.


I was pondering wherther or not the ask what the essay was about, but I did not want to seem too nosy.


Any ideas or maybe if you know if asking what things are about isnt too nosy?

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I think your missing my point - what I was trying to say was that she could be just as shy as you and thats why it's hard to strike up a conversation. Or (without getting your hopes up too much) maybe she likes you and is just being coy about it..??


Either way mate keep knocking on the door and you never know she might answer if your persistent enough.


I try to follow this advice - pretty hard to do sometimes but it can pay off big time

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