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how young is too young?

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i dunno if this question has alreadi been asked but.... um... when do ppl actually start masturbating?

i'm a little worried cos' i've started really young, when i mean young i mean 4/5 years old. is that... hmm... abnormal or is there any out there who started at that age? yea i just feel a little unsure about myself about that.

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I started masturbating when I was four or five as well and continued doing so until I was ten because I thought it was relaxing. I don't know how I started, and I don't worry about it. Kids do strange things. For example, a few of my younger cousins are convinced their aunt is the tooth fairy and have been plotting to catch her in the act for a few years.

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I don't think it is abnormal, I've heard of stories such as that. Like you are not suppose to bounce a little girl on your knee because of the contact to her area and teh sexual stimulation. it IS possible. Don't worry about it..It was probably just a way for you to let out your frustrations, which it still is for those older. you were just an early starter.

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You are not only 1 in a million but also 1 of a million that have discovered at an early age how good you can be to yourself. The good thing is that as you mature you will discover how good you can be for others & how good others can be for you. Don't be in too much of a rush. Half of the pleasure is the anticipation. You & what you have to give is too valuable to waste or give away too freely.

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