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Well, If anyone can help you, then they would be helping me too. I also am shy and I am a loner. I also like a girl, and my heart pounds really hard when she is around. I know perfectly how you feel, but I can't help you, because we are in the same situation.

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hey fellas... I was once a shy guy and when this special someone came around my heart fluttered also... Then i gained courage enough to talk to her just one time and it totally paid off. We talked for a while and then we started to hang out more and more and now we are best friends.(i never asked her out because i cant take her anywhere because of the fact that im 15 and thus dont have a drivers license) and now i also have confidence enough to talk to any girl that i want to and am no longer shy and quiet...




It worked for me and it can work for you too...

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Believe it or not, Girls can be really shy also!

A lot of girls prefer a quieter guy who will actually talk to them rather than a loud he-man type. Just be yourself - confidence comes from experience, so try talking to lots of different girls, not just ones you fancy.

You sound like a nice sensitive guy. There's nothing wrong with being quiet, that's just how some people are (including myself) Like yourself the way you are and girls will too.


Hope that helps!

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I think its with time. The more you begin to learn about girls, the more you have nothing to worry about. Girls at younger ages seem like completely other beings, but after a bit of meeting a bunch of girls, you begin to realize hey they can be crazy just like me! heeh...


Just time guys. take it easy.



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