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i think this girl likes me back but im not sure

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hey i met some one this weekend. i think i might be instantly in love . she just has a glow about her. she cuts but not as badly as i do so she knows what im going through and wont kill herself. she has a bf and he treats her so badly it makes me sick and hes one of my friends he made out with another girl right in front of her. she told me shes gonna break up with him and i told her that she should because she diserves so much better and i want to be the one to give her the love she diserves. we were in a pool together and started holding hands then i put my other hand accross her and on her sid just above her hip. and i kissed her on the cheek. the next day i was kinda upset and took care of it if you understand then she got out of the pool and gave me a big hug. then while we were waiting for her ride she sat with me and i gave her a massage and rested my head on her shoulder. ok that was a long story now here is the ?s.

i am thinking about asking her to be my gf on monday how should i do it.

does any one think she really likes me or is she just really friendly.and i mean this honestly not as a threat but i already cut myself because i couldnt answer these tortuous question and im afraid i may do it again. i need advice. if you have read this leave some advise please

thank u all

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Cool, it sounds like you really care about her. Thats a good thing, because it means it isn't just infatuation. Hmm, how do you ask someone to be your girlfriend. In all of the girlfriends I have had, I have never really asked any of them to be my girlfriend. Of course, I wasn't really like an intimate person, I was just one of their closest friends, and we would do stuff together. I think that being what is traditionally known as girlfriend / boyfriend, isn't a very good idea. It just doesn't seem to work out for long periods of time. I am still really good friends with just about every girl I know. But if you want her to be your girlfriend, I would think about just saying that "I think I am in love with you." or something along those lines. Oh and yeah, I was just rereading your post, and it definitely sounds like she really likes you. And as a final note, STOP CUTTING. It is an addiction, that is far more dangerous than most drugs. You can combat this. If you have to take every knife in the house and lock them in a cabinet, then do so, but do what it takes to stop cutting. I have a theory, but I am not sure if it will work. Try drinking a cup of coffee every time you feel like cutting. I am not entirely sure, but I think it may help get the desire to cut to go away. Also, I know that cutting is kind of a spur of the moment kind of thing, and in the 10 min it takes to make a pot of good coffe, you will probably feel less depressed. Good luck with this girl, and stopping the cutting. Please tell me how it goes after asking her, because I really hope it goes well.

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hi... ok... first of all... you have guts.... ur outgoing to the max..... i would never be able to do what you did in the pool... i am shy as hell.... but anyways.... by the way this girl acts.... it definitely sounds like she is interested... she feels comfiterable around you and vise-versa with you.... come monday... just act yourself... to ask her out... it will all come to you... you do not need any help what so ever.....youll go up to her and just speak your mind and it will most likely be a YES.....


just be yourself and it will all come to you.......oh and lastly.... there is no reason to cut.... trust me on this.... one girl i liked started cutting, from her problems.... she did it plenty of times, but they were never very far.....one night her step dad did something , she went in her room and cut.... she tried to go in the same spot as she always went, but she was shaking and she hit a major vein.... she sharted bleeding and then she couldnt take the pain of bleeding to death, she grabbed up her strength and went into the bathroom, ran the tub and drown herself.........


she video taped all of her cuttings... and this last one was terrible...


i dont mean to scare you or anything, but u think you can do it once and nothing will happen... something probably wont happen, then you do more and more, it becomes a habit and then one night .........



you miss



but...anyways... just be yourself...lol....not meaning to change subject.......

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first of all thanx for the great advice. second of all shyness_overwhelms, your story reminds me of the time when my friend called me from the top of a 200 foot ledge saying she had just cut both main veins in both arms and she was gonna jump and see what would kill her first we got her to a hospital in tim and she is fine but she still cuts alot more than i do and it scares me. you are a hundred percent correct cutting wont help any thing. and im sorry about your friend it has happened to me three times and believe me i know how you feel. and about being outgoing not really she is one of three ppl i trust enough to be like that around. and eh?im canadian, the coffee thing is a good idea not only because it will delay long enough to calm down it has caffein which makes you more active and actually eases depression thats why we give my friend caffein pills if she is hella upset thanx i think i might try that and another ting that happened that night that i forgot to post was that we were in the pool and she sang me the song " i do believe in magic afterall" and it made me cry. luckily we were in a pool so noone noticed i thin i will ask her but i dont think i caould handle iit if she said no im afraid of what i might do. if she says yes it would make me so happy but if she sayd no i might actually go through with it.its worth a try

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Hey, If she says no, she says no. You shouldn't hurt yourself over someone elses feelings. It just isn't worth it. I've got a feeling she won't say no, but just in case she does I wan't you to remember that there can be hundreds reasons for her saying no, and only 1 of them is because she doesn't like you. I wish you luck.

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