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Caught between a rock and a hard place..............

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How do you know if someone likes you or not? I mean I wish guys would just come up to you and say they like you or not. People confuse me!!! So could someone help me to understand how you know if someone likes you or not?


P.S.- Thanks everyone who helped me on my last topic.............I get confused alot.

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I know exactly how you feel, and... wait.... I don't think I can help you. I like a girl very much, and I don't even know if she likes me, or hates me. I think she seems to not like when I look at her, because she just looks at me as if she was about to give me the middle finger. She also avoids me. Because if she is in some place, and I walk through that place more than twice in a week, she suddenly stops going to that same place, until she notices I don't go there anymore. You know what I mean? The only way to know is by asking that person. If you think that is too direct (I do, and I would have a heart attack if I tried, because I am extremely shy), then just say hi, and make eye contact and see how that person responds.

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For starters it says your only 11, and thats young!

very very young!!! you should enjoy your childhood...

i started to like this girl we became closer and closer and i was just in love with it all. i really couldnt tell if she like me or not. but i thought she did like me cause i would flirt and she would flirt back. then one of her friends ask if she would go out with me...

i was crush that she said no but i still had feels for her.

then it became a cycle... till i found some one else that i think is more for me. we are really close frends now...


but that doesnt really help does it. it just means that you can never tell...

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Have you told this guy how u feel about him?? that might kick things in for him...


and as Jermaine says.... 11 is pretty young....you should just enjoy your childhood... sooner or later, youll have to get a job and stuff....


this boy you like could like you back, just isnt showing it.... he is probably just a little boy and he doesnt know what like is.... no offense or anything, bt its true....you should just wait until you get a little older to find someone you like... not saying that you cant now, but it will be harder at your age then to wait a few years...... just be patient... someone that you least expect will walk up to you and ask you out... youll go out and youll have the best time... dont worry... itll happen soon

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