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yep you guessed it SUICIDE!

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Ok, you're friend is an "butt"hole! Hes one of those sarcastic people who think telling you to go kill yourself wiill make u feel guilty and not do it. Its great that u have an online sister but u should be able to confide in people around you, because she might not always be on the internet when you need it. I dont think you have too much to worry about tho.. the fact that you're on this website proves that you dont want to end your life.. you're holding on. Keep doing that. Right now there is something in your life affecting your mood. Maybe it's family, friends, lack of self confidence. Im not sure. But whatever it is, find out and it will be easier to help you, ok? I have gone through many years with suicidal thoughts and im telling you, you have to get away from whats hurting you. Dont listen to people who tell u ure running away from your problems because that would be killing yourself. DONT LISTEN TO YOUR 'FRIEND'. He obviously just doesnt know how to handle this situation, you shouldnt take advice from someone who can't understand how u can feel.

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Whatever is getting you so down you really should talk about. There might be a way to fix the problem. I once thought about suicide. Then realized that i was the one causing the problems by allowing them to happen. People stepping on me and my family treating me like crap, always doing the same thing day in day out, had my heart broken, couldn't understand why i felt down about it when it was always happening. You obviously have reason to live. Find someone you trust and talk about your problem. If you don't trust anyone then post online about it. We've never met but I still don't want you to die. Life can be beautiful if you let it.

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