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2 big questions

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Hi I am 15 almost 16 year old male. I have 2 questions. i have only had intercourse once and am looking to learn more.


1) Does size matter? or is it the "motion" that matters and if it is the "motion" then what is the best "motion"?


2)how do i eat a girl out to give her an orgasm?

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about size, for me its not THAT big of a deal b/c ive been with a guy who wasnt all that big but he knew what he was doing and he was confident and i've had more fun with him than anyone



about eating out, the clitoris. important important.




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Okay, maybe Im old fashioned but I find that advice disturbing coming from a 14 year old. lol no offense.


My personal belief is tht size does not matter, unless you intend on having sex with a "experienced" woman, as in, a woman that has sex ALOT. The reason for this? Their vagina stretches and is not as sensitive, thereforeeee, the size will matter in that scenario, the smaller it is the less it will do, as the vagina may be very much stretched out of its original shape.


Size also matters to a virgin, as it will HURT LIKE HELL if it is big.


So it really does depend on the woman. Big can be painful for some, and can be the only form of stimulation found for others.


With the eating out thing, well um... not exactly the right person to ask, but you have to use your hands. Not just the mouth. *shrugs* again, i dont know much about that stuff.

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Size matters depending on the individual and their past experiences. For example, if a woman had someone who was big and she got accustom to it then anything smaller may not satisfy her.


However, I have known women who loved big guys but opted for a smaller man who knew what he was doing as as EmptySoul stated.


Your confidence (and no medical problems) is the key to performing consistently! You have to believe you know when you don't but be willing to learn as well. If you don't know then come back to the forum to get tips!


As for eating out! EmptySoul said it best, "..the clitoris. important important." Just be creative in your approach. And please pay attention to the reaction the woman gives you as you get to know your way around her body!

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Thanks all who replied. My first time was only a few days ago and my gf told me(and just about every1else in the school) that I was not the best she has ever been with but i thik as Mr. Good Man said it was cus my confidence was so low cus it was my first time hopefully i can keep my confidence up and learn some at the sam time. At least if i cant i know where to come to learn more.

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