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hello guys


me and my girlfriend just started going out but we have know eachother for a long time and really care about eachother (to my knowlage)


the second day we are going out i get a call from her that says my mom said that i really dont need the stresses of a boyfriend right now and some other stuuf and we were talking and we were like well we can just take a brake till june. we decided to hang out the next saterday and go to eat and what evber else we felt like doing..


the next day we were talking on-line and i tolf her that my cuzin was having a b-day party the saterday the we are supposed to hang out ans she said well my mom made plans over it and now we cant even hang out saterday...


then she says that her mom is saying that she dosent want her to have a boyfriend over the summer niether but she think she can talk her mom out of it..


i tend to be a bit nieve and i dont know what to do about this situation..

i dont know if she is lying and just does not want to go out or if that is really what her mom says..


i really want her back and and i would go to the end of the world for it


if any oen has any advice on what to do or how to find out if this is really what is going on please let me know


thanks alot

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Well, the way I see it you could do one of two things. (1) Keep going for her, even if you can't be boyfriend/girlfriend for a long long time. and (2) you could leave the ball in her court and continue on.


For example: You could tell her that you have feelings for her, but you feel she doesn't feel the same way. Also, tell her that she is more than wlecome to call you whenever she feels the same because you do care about her. Then, the ball is in her court... If she spouts out more excuses, don't listen and repeat yourself.


If she does not call, or you don't work things out right there... go through your "feelings" then go back on the prowl.


~Side Question~ Are fathers not teaching their sons how to be a man anymore? Women have the feelings, guys don't! What the *beep* happened? Are the sons having some kind of underground rebellion from their fathers? Do they not feel that they live up to their father's standards? YOU ARE MEN, SUCK IT UP!

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I thin stonwallDavis is right i think the dads are slacking on their job at teaching boys how to men and i think they need to step up to the plate on that otherwise my generation is goin to be messed up, no offense to any1, but that is the way i feel. If any dads/future dads read this do what i just said. plz.

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