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how to treat girls n guys

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If this isn't an "act," if it's what comes naturaly to you, i really wouldn't see it as being something wrong with you.


The ladies probably think you're being a gentleman, if they don't, you're probably going over the top, opening too many doors etc, to the point that you're making yourself look as if you're trying too hard.


If the ladies don't have a problem and you don't feel as if you're putting on an act, then no, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. In fact if this is the case your friends are probably jealous that you are being noticed more than they are.


All the best

- Garnz

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I sure hope there isn't anything wrong with you because I act the same way (mostly because I really don't like to be around guys). It's good to treat women with respect. Some of then deserve it. Some don't, but that's another topic.


And of course you're going to treat women differently. Their women and men find them attractive. It's hard to not act at least a little different toward someone, or even a gender, that really gets to you. I have a lot of female friends, and I treat them all like royalty. There isn't anything wrong with that.

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