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Please can some women answer this???!

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Safe to say that no, not all females do it, myself included. I happen to think it's tasteless and immature if a woman (or man) can't just speak their mind to the opposite sex.


I suppose that, in answer to your question, some women do it just as a form of a power play. They like to see a man jump to do their bidding, and will see how far they can push before said man gets fed up with it. I've never come up with a better answer than that, other than that some women just simply don't know what they want and are prone to change their minds frequently, regardless of the impact it has on the man in question!



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Nobody knows the hell why they do it, but soon as you start ignoring them they get mad and want to throw insults at you like "Oh he must be gay because he isn't falling all over me and drooling"


Psychotic I tell you.

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Safe to say that no, not all females do it, myself included. I happen to think it's tasteless and immature if a woman (or man) can't just speak their mind to the opposite sex.


I suppose that, in answer to your question, some women do it just as a form of a power play. They like to see a man jump to do their bidding, and will see how far they can push before said man gets fed up with it. I've never come up with a better answer than that, other than that some women just simply don't know what they want and are prone to change their minds frequently, regardless of the impact it has on the man in question!




Replace some with "most" or "alomost all" and i'd agree.

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Women do it because men dont give emotionally. Women may manipulate a man to increase the attraction. Men can be very withholding and unable to recognise a womans need for emtiotnal honesty.

However, it doesnt really work in the long run.

Openness and emotional honesty work best for both sexes. You should not be afaraid to say how you feel and what you want, however we have all learnt from experience to hold back so as not to rush pressure or appear needy. Sad to say .

With love


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