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i really really like him

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this guy really likes me and i really like him back

my friend says he talks about me ALL the time....like all good stuff....like how i am so beautiful and nice.,,,all good stuff you know...he was going to ask me out...except he was unsure,,,becasue he thought i would say no...thats the first problem, my guy friend was telling me that he was really didnt know what to do....my friend told him that i would definitly say yes....then he hugged me, after class and he never hugs me. then my friend was like i heard you and her were goin out. and he said no i like her but i dont want to go out with her.

i never knew how much i like him until now..

i dont know what hes thinkin...my friend said he really really liked me...

whats goin on?

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Hey pinkpanther,


I think things are getting a bit lost and confused. Theres you, and him, and then the friends in the middle, and thats where everythings getting complicated.


All the signs are all there- he hugged you for the first time, talks about you all the time, was going to ask you out. However, this guy is heavily concenred about being rejected, so he must be personally quite shy with a fear of rejection. I think hes just as confused as you are because he is shy, and it is time you pushed a bit more on the pedal and heated things up.


Stop relying and connecting through friends, take the initiative, go to him face to face, forget about the shyness and simply say 'i really like you'. That should be the top choice, if you want him that much then thats what you should do. The alternative is to talk to him and hang out more, but theres no real point in this since you already know how you two feel about each other.


One of you has to take the first step, and when its over and done with, you two can go ahead and enjoy yourselves.


Good luck

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