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no guys like me......

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okay since last year i have been feeling really lonley and i really wont a boyfriend but the thing is...no guys like me like that......so i dont know sometimes i just feel like i wont to dye... i set in my room and cry all the time....i dont know anymore i give up......

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Having a boyfriend can be a fun addition to your life, but it's also great not to have one sometimes! You can't define yourself by whether or not guys like you.....and just because you don't know of any that do doesn't mean they're not out there. I'd say there's a good chance that there's a guy or two out there with a crush on you, but you just don't know it. Work on building up your friendships and getting involved with things that make you feel good about yourself. By getting out there and doing things that you enjoy, you will not only distract yourself from your concerns about boys, but you may also meet some great ones! Don't give up, things can get better at any minute, you never know what is going to happen. Just remember that there are people out there that care about you. Sometimes it helps to confide in someone and you have taken an important first step by looking for advice here. Keep your head up and please keep us posted on how things are going for you. Never give up, there could be something great around the corner.

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You are only 15 years old..and to tell you the truth...being with a guy at that age...is more then a hassle. This should be a great time to find yourself, hang out with friends, and just have a good time. No guy can complete your life...and to feel like you want to die because of it...thats not a good sign. You have SOOO many years to come...years of partying, and all that... In all honestly...stay single for now...I really wish i would have 3 years ago...I was so anxious to have a boyfriend I found the wrong one...and in the end...I wish I never wouldve put myself through 3 years of the things I did. THE BEST THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT...remember that!!

You'll find love...you have plenty ... i mean PLENTY of time.

Sit back and enjoy the ride

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Maybe this will make you feel better. It has been a year now since I had my last girlfriend. I did have feelings for a couple of girls that I knew but they all just wanted to be my friends. They didn't feel the same way that I did. A couple of those rejections made me feel bad. So you see I do know how you feel. Sometimes I even feel mad at some people and I don't even know why. I think about it and ask myself why am I mad. What makes me mad. I don't know but I just get mad. Maybe I get mad at guys that are able to get any girl that they want. Maybe I am mad at those guys who are just perfect when it comes to girls. Well I don't know anymore. So you see don't feel bad since your not the only person out there. People say that their is always that special someone for everyone. Anyhow I hope things do get better for you and me and I hope that I helped you in someway.

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i agree with pologirl214 sometimes having a boyfriend can be more hassel than its worth, i have been single for a while and i think it is great, there is no real comitment and responsiblity which comes with it, you can have loads of fun going out with your mates and meeting people without thinking 'oh wait i cant i have a bf' (not in a slutty way). just enjoy life because once you do find someone and get married then you are going to be with them for awhile and you wont have any freedom.


maybe there are guys who like you like that but are just shy to come up to you and ask you out, maybe you could be the confident one and ask them?


~LJ =;

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Oh, I do feel badly for you. I was an awkward thing in highschool. Of course, so was model Tyra Banks apparently. Now look at her...now look at me...several boyfriends later. That is just a weird time in a lot of people's lives. Those relationships that you see are not as fun as they all appear though - trust me. You may not have a boyfriend because of lots of reasons - most propbably have nothing to do with you. Seriously. My highschool was full of pretty girls, or girls that I thought were pretty at least - and I often wondered why aren't any of them with anyone? Then I started to look at the girls who were dating and noticed that all the guys seemed to float toward those few or their friends and never went outside of that group. Stupid, I know, but it is true. Guys are dumb like that in highschool. So are girls though. Once I got out of that school, I was shocked that so many guys were asking me out and I was having the time of my life. You will be the same way. It seems so far off, but it really isn't. I wish I could be there when it happens for you. Just to let you know, after I graduated, I went back to my highschool with my new boyfriend (who also happened to be one of the best baseball players in the country for a major league baseball team and very cute) and guys and girls were looking at me. The same ones who ignored me before. It feels great. Just be patient sweetheart, you may be walking in that same gym one day with a handsome attorney or hilarously funny architect on your arm. You will come out on top somewhere and even if none of those people are around to see it- you will be and you will laugh about all those times that you cried about not having a boyfriend. Let me know how things go.

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after I graduated, I went back to my highschool with my new boyfriend (who also happened to be one of the best baseball players in the country for a major league baseball team and very cute) and guys and girls were looking at me. The same ones who ignored me before. It feels great. Just be patient sweetheart, you may be walking in that same gym one day with a handsome attorney or hilarously funny architect on your arm. You will come out on top somewhere and even if none of those people are around to see it-




Being neither a pro baseball player, nor a handsome attorney or funny architect seems to leave the rest of us Joe Average guys in the dust.

I can do the hilariously funny and handsome part...


I wonder what careers for men are most attractive for women, I may need to go back to school!







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