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A girl and boy competition

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I'm a male. If I have a chance to compete with a girl i like, may it be a sport competition or a video game 1on1, should i play with my best, pretend to lose or play lightly but win in the end??

IMO, i would choose to play lightly, not giving in all my best. Am i right?

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i would play your best becuase if she does find out that you pretended to loose or just played lightly then she is more likely to not respect you for your decision, besides she might be a very good sports or games person and may win you anyway, and what are you going to gain from letting her win, nothin so i would deffinatley just play fair.



but its your decision

~LJ =;

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Haha yeah well I think you should just play your best, but that's just me. I'm really competitive and give it 110%. I never lose on purpose. I don't care if I'm playing videogames with kids in hospital who have leukimia I'll play to win wether you're black, white or diabled.


Girls don't like it when they know you've let them win. Although, if you do win, you MUST be GRACIOUS about it and DON'T rub it in their face. Now go out their and whoop some a..!

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I agree too, winning isnt everything to me, its just playing the game (sounds cheezy) but if you give your best you may come around and be surprised that she is beating you. It would make me feel awesome if the guy was acually trying and i beat him. sometimes you can also tel when they arent giving there best.


I would say the only people that you play easy on is little kids.

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id say play your best. i dont think you should be too bothered about winning its just the matter or how you, how shall i put it, play on the victory? its like if your big headed at the end of boast about it, then they wont find that appealing, but if you just take it as a good match then fair enough.


she wont appreciate it too much if you try act on how good you are. just let it go as it usually would.


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