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A question about dress

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I was just wondering what kind of clothing a man should wear that would get him noticed by more women in a positive way. I know that girls like different things. Some like men in dress slacks with a long sleeve shirt and tie, while some go for tanktops and torn jeans.


When I go out to bars or clubs, I tend to wear the same things: jeans or khakis, with a t-shirt or sweater. It seems I can never get noticed in these environments, so I'm thinking about trying something different with the way I dress.


So girls, what kind of clothing really catches your eye when it comes to men?

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Blue is the color your going to get women to notice you in, according to some popular magazine, i think it's called "Eisman" the color blue shows a women that you are assertive, confident, and can match your own cloths, try matching solids with solids, khaki with the Royal blue button down shirt, with a all white undershirt under that, leave un-buttoned.. make it a nice clash of color, nothing like yellows, or greens, stay away from the construction colors..if you know what i mean.


Black, and dark Blue ( navy) will bring out the masculine look in you. with again the khakis pants.


along with that royal blue i mention above, make sure you have a good pair of shoes to go with it..women and shoes are more important than you think, it's proven,




I'm proof of this, had a pair of old Nikes i thought were pretty comfortable, well they weren't helping my appearance any.


A close G/F of mine told me that i HAD to change my shoes, I'm 6'5 and wear a size 14" show size, so finding a pair that fits is somewhat of a problem, went to footlocker, looked at some shoes, Jordan which i had in the past are nice, but costly, looked at some More shoes, addidas, Lugz Boots, some Allan Iversons...and such, nothing caught my attention, until i came accross some Nike AIR FORCE ONES



Total Cost $140.00 worth it...? Hell yes!


Grab a pair of those, or some other in style shoes, that might be your problem, (since women do look at mens feet when first meeting them) you might be able to find them in Madison, I'm orginally from Stevens Point (home Town) and i know some of those towns don't have many options for clouthing in general.

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You have to give the impression that you are special, dominating and comfertable with yourself- and that you treat yourself as the best. unfortunately its going to cost alot of money, time and effort.


I agree, my wardrobes filled with BLUE. I also wear all black with dangling bits of silver here and there, and most recently i am collecting brown/gold/cowboy style clothing with bits of red and black so i look rugged and rough (it goes with stubble i've grown too )- that would be married with dangling bits of gold.


Like S4il said, make sure theres a clash. The clothes you buy shouldn't really be plain, they should have strips and trims of a secondary colour here and there. The secondary clothing you wear with that should be the colour of that trim. If you buy them or wear them plain, then makes sure your whole clothing is plain so that it clashes properly, and in this case like s4il said, make sure its not constructional colours, but still nice.


The jacket and shoes are particularly important. The jacket sets your 'theme'. The shoes MUST stand out. In my case they should be big like they carry some weight, and they must have colour. I had no regrets picking a colourful reebok classics of blue and red as opposed to more expensive all white 's. carters' or 'g-units'. Where would they have got me? If you really want to show some force, make sure you buy a pair of Timberlands in a nice colour, and poke your trouser sleeves under the laces!


Basically, if you dress more like a model, you will be treated more like a model so check out celebrities that you can relate to and look out how they dress. Good luck

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I usually go for stuff that stands out, and is at the height of fashion. I don't shop much in sports or cheap shops, mostly in designer shops, but luckily they sometimes might have a sale or something.

I personaly hate the baggy Jeans and stuff look, so i don't dress at all like that (eventhough i do own a pair).

I think for me, it's mostimportant how i feel in them, and if i think i look cool. By believing in myself, I guess it gives good vibes out... Like my coat, people mocked it, but sooner or later everyone got one, I guess perhaps perhaps because they saw i loved it, and so gave in.

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i think its more along the lines of how you come accross a girl with personality not your dress sense, but you didnt ask for that. so i guess for me it would be a man who can pull of jeans and a black shirt. but most men look great in black shirts.


i dont like answering things like this because i feel materialistic but if thats how your trying to get a girl.



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The only reason i and people dress in codes and colours, and generally in designer clothes is because it makes ME feel good about myself. You feel confident and good about yourself especially when you stand out and it shows, and i guess you become more relaxed and confident to talk to, thus your personailty shines when talking to an already interested girl.


Its kind of like 'things can only get better' thing. I dress great and I get huge attention, so that leads me to being more confident and liking and being comfertable with myself more, and so that leads to my personality beaming out when a girl starts conversation with me.

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