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What does it mean when a guy tells you he wants a girlfriend

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Well if you two are good friends then it could just mean that he is feeling lonely sometimes and just wants a girlfriend or girl to hang out with more. I know I used to say I needed a girlfriend all the time to many different girls and guys.


If you two arent really friends or maybe just kind of and he keeps telling you then im guessing (just guessing) that he likes you and that could even be the case if you were friends. But if he is flirty with you and continually says it then i would say he does. If he doesnt like you then maybe just help him out with the situation if you can.

Hope i could help even if i didnt.

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It just means he really wants to have a girlfriend.

Next time he says this, ask him if he so wants to have a g/f that he doesn't care who it is. If he says no, he has preferences, then ask him what he's looking for, what type, etc. If YOU like him, well... maybe he'll say something like "I want a girl like you".

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I do like him, and i told him i liked him too. but i dont think he believes me. the same guy also sent me this song quote on aim:

I wanna be your lover

I wanna get to know you, baby

I'm lost in your lovin'

I'm simply gonna try you, crazy


i cant tell if he is joking.


but the thing is that he flirts with me, but not a lot. he flirts a lot with my other friend when we are together.

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