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HOw do you know?

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Well, First things first..


With Women they sometimes flirt with guys, without even knowing...sometimes you get a really Shy, held back girl, who may have a crush on you, but wont show it at all, or just the opposite, everyone flirts differently, But in all ways too, i think some of the following (from a women) are "signs" of attraction.


She smiles with a relaxed face when she sees you (makes eye contact as well) (sometimes shows teeth together.)


Her Voice matches yours when talking with her in a conversation.


She is more likly to "MIRROR" things you do, example taking a drink right after you take a drink, or even clearing her throat after you do.


The palm of her hand is facing your direction, (open hand, palm facing you.)


The Leg crossed, with the leg that is crossed, or rocking, etc.. is pointed in your direction.


She somtimes gives you a hug, or kiss on the cheek when seeing you in person.


Playing with hair while looking your way.


The "hey Look Back at Me" Game when she looks at you,(and you can just feel it or sense it) than when you turn back to look at her, she looks away.


Winking at you , Or Putting her fingernail in her teeth, with a smile.


Always laughing at things you say, even if they are not that funny, or not funny at all. (this to me gets annoying.)


Her face becomes more "Flush" with color when you see her up close.


Just a few of them i can remember, I'm taking it as this..


i think you have an idea that some girl likes you, or shows an interest in you, and your almost sure of it..like 80%, so you came here in hopes of becoming trained in learning what sort of sings they emit while having a interest in a guy (in general) Well now you know..good luck trying to figure it out.

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well if there is positive eye contact and this may sound silly but if they kind of like slowly close there eyes, open them and smile then ittends to show an interest (it would be easier to show you but its kind o fseductive and deffinitley interested, i cant really explain it more than that). if they have positive bdy language (usually open body language) they are playing ith such features as hands or hair or somethnig like that they may like you, if you get to speak to them and there is a change in their yone of voice thats a pretty good sign. i cant really think of any at the minute but i'll possibly get back to you *smiles*



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One thing girls will also tend to do is touch you when they're talking to you. This could range from touching your arm or shoulder after you say something she finds funny to 'accidentally' brushing her arm against you while grabbing say a pencil case or textbook at school. Another one is if you look at her she stares back for a moment, looks away for another moment then looks back at you. A variation of S4il's "hey look back at me" game.

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No i don't think she touches. But when we flirt it's the best. Well i consider it flirting you know but i really dont know how she takes it. She's kind of weird in a way but is beautiful and has a beautiful personality. The only way she'll touch me or me remember her touching is when we wrestle or fight. But the "Hey look at me back" game i dont understand it. please explain. and also we have these long stares in each others eyes does that make it a sign. Also we have the whole holding hands thing when im helping with her homework and stuff but see with her it's different. The only way im going to find out is if i ask her. But i'm probably not going to ask her. It might hurt our relationship and it was really hard to get her trust back. SO yeah LOVE SUX but when you have it your in heaven. I wish there was a easier way. If you have easier ways please respond.

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I agree with Tinkerbell, you can't really tell for sure. Like for some girls, who are more outgoing, then they'll be somewhat obvious, for instance, through body language/vocal cues. When they're around you, they get all touchy, and sway their bodies around, act cute, and/or their voices start to change in pitch (they'll start to sound perky). And on the oppossite, 'shy' girls, tend to be more reserved, so you can't really tell. They're really hard to read.

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