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Those nasty silence moments....

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Hello Everyone!


I'm usually a good person to chat with, but sometimes, when I'm talking to girls mostly, I run out of conversation topics. You know, every thing goes all rigth, but suddenly we both stay without saying a word. I want to replace uncomfortable silence with something that can get things "back on the rails".




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When you are going out, make sure that you have a prop with you - something that you can fall back on if the conversation goes dull. These can be anything that would be remotely interesting e.g. a newspaper, photo, book or maybe a dog.

There can turn into a coversation-saver if you get to one of those awkward silences and they also give you a chance to think about what you are going to say next!



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Uma Thurman once said in Pulp Fiction that, that's when you know you've found someone special you can just "Shut the**** Up and Enjoy The Silence together"..though in your case its probably not that..try reading the paper and keeping up on stuff going on that can affect both of you..DO NOT talk Politics..its not a good idea but keep up with new movies or whatever..Hey who says The Weather is an Out of Bounds topic?

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