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I need all the comments I can get....

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Please read my detailed post and think of what you would do.The reason im here is because I can't talk to anyone about this.Thanks for your help!



I'll start at the beginning.....I started my first job 2 years ago as a minumum wage dish washer.The first time I walked in the restarant I saw this waitress and she is almost a year older then me.I didn't think anything of it.We would talk every once and a while.ok it's now my second year as of last thursday.Out of now where we just looked at each other and it felt like time froze.Ever since then she would flirt and say im cute and grab my butt....ect.I then flirt back....but not to much,because ill tell you why in a minute.Anyways,i took it up a notch and returned the signals back at her.(pause) There is something differnt about her.I don't get nervous in front of her and I can have a good conversation,unlike when I talk to normal girls.Just yesterday I talked to her friend(the other waitress)and she told me that the girl i like,likes me back.


-Ok ill give you a quick reading break berfore my problems start-



Ok,Can you guess my problem? She has a BOYFRIEND...but not a sexual relationship.I unlike most guys like it that she is more classy and innocent.Not sleeping with everyone she goes out with.This is the first time I EVER felt this way for a girl.Most times i would go out with a hot girl just for ...you know....But it's differnt with her.I feel so confortable with her.Please everyone tell me what to do!


Side notes 16,she's 17.She goes to a catholic school,I go to a public school.She is so sweet i could go on for pages about her.One other thing,I have a minor lisp.Everyone says it's too minor to even think about it,but my whole life I have been wondering if thats why I can't find a nice girl instead of ho's at my school.


Thank you very much!

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I think the best thing to do is not think about advancing you guys' relationship past where it is. If you push she'll pull away and everything will just become unconfortable.


It seems like you 2 have a really good friendship and if she likes you then she has to do the right thing and break up with her boyfriend, but make sure she comes to that decision and it wasn't you that pushed it or brought it up.

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