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so there's this girl i like...

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Rewind to a few months ago. In class, I would talk to her every so often, we would help each other on work a bit, etc. after a while, and I started liking her. She was funny, cute and had a great smile. We changed classes then and I didn't see her around or anything. So a couple of months later, I go get something to eat at a ljs's around here and low and behold, she works there. We talked a bit, she said hi and smiled. Saw her a few times then didn't eat there for a while. Ate there again just a few days ago. I saw her again and she said hello, asked if I remembered her. I said of course I did. Just had a little small talk and stuff. Back when we had a class together, she had a b/f so I kind of stopped thinking about her after that.


So after seeing her again, I'm wondering if I should ask if she's seeing anyone, ask her to hang out or something. I've been single for about a year now and she's the first girl I've liked this much in a long time. So... any help would be appreciated.

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Ask her to the movies. It's the best first date, you and her in a dark room watching a movie together, there's little talking so you don't have to worry about saying anything wrong and you're pretty sure she'll be entertained(don't see the passion of the Christ!). Now you can ask her to go just with you or you can get a group together, which is what I would suggest, it takes a bit of pressure off of you and, more importantly, takes alot of pressure off of her. How you ask her is up to you, you know where she works, now you have to know when she works.

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