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Whats going on in my Science Class? Dose she like me?

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On Tuesday, this dude I know in my Science class wrote that some girl wanted my underwear on the board. I saw it and erased it. Then she found out and said he was lieing but the dude said that he was telling the truth because she told him in Spanish. So I made fun of her just because it seemed like a good idea and she keeps saying that the dude is lieing. Well lately, everytime I say something funny in class, she laughs harder than she has and she pays attention to what I say more. Dose she like me?

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It could just be her way of being friends, it doesn't neccesarily mean that she likes you. If you wan't to know whether she likes you or not you should observe her body language when she talks to you e.g. constant eye contact, playing with hair and the postition that's she in (her body). It doesn't take an expert to read body language so check it out, maybe that dude was lieing about what she said you won't know for sure because he's saying on thing and she another so just be yourself around her and maybe something will develop, who knows... eh!


All the best


- whitefang

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she probley wants to develope a coolf riendship with u..ask her out not as a girlfriend just as a friend..have her go out with u somewhere..movies..goilaf tennis..ask her to go to one of ur games if ur a jock or what not..she likes u thats a indication..but she may be a lil shy and not know how to tell u us girls are mysterous with that..just talk to her sit next to her..read her body language learn some bout body language..make some eye contact and see if she smiles..if so she likes ya..if she gives u a weird look n leans back or crosses her arms..she dosnt like u or shes playin a lil hard to get..but neways ask her out if ur not shy..or get ur buddy to ask her questions that u anna know bout her..

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