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How exactly can you get herpes?

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Yes, you can TOTALLY get infected that way! Why didn't you think about that before, but you can think about it now? It's not for certain that you have it for sure, but it's totally common for that to happen. Hopefully when he went down on you he didn't really stick his tongue in your vagina. Hopefully he just went around the outside by the clit, because that is easier treated.. Good luck and I wish the best! Next time be safe girl!!

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Hi Kermie,

Unfortunately, oral sex can transmit whatever type of herpes he carries (there are 3 different strains) to your genital area.


I think the important thing for you right now is to find out if you hav contacted it in your genitals. Reason for this is for you to get comfort treatment and to get informed about how not to pass this on to others. There is a blood test that can be done to check - it's expensive but the problem is that the only other way to diagnose it is to sample an open soar. Problem with that is, if you have genital herpes, it is most likely will soar on the cervix and you may not feel it.


It's important for you to find out if you have it. It's tremendously more important for women because the infection can affect babies during birthing.


Get to a doctor and get checked - that's the first step.



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