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I just need a way of showing that I'm interested


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My school turns co-ed in yr 10 and as such, alot of new girls have arrived. i've been at an all boy school for last 5 yrs and have no idea what do do/act around girls.....

Theres this girl in my science/math class who i really enjoy being around but the only way i seem to be able to talk to her is on MSN, just have too much trouble in real life . I've known her pretty well for a couple of weeks now and i just need a way of showing that i'm interested, any advice would be great, thnx

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Dude, I've discovered that when chicks like you, you will know. If she really digged you she'd be all over you like a bad rash. If she doesn't dig you she'd keep her conversations(in real life) short, her voice monotone, and she won't use your name.


Really, I take it your still in highschool? Highschool chicks are just a bunch of superficial beeps. You could be the dumbest most ignorant knuckle head in school but if you're hot, they will try to talk to you as much as possible and smile alot.


Does she talk to you during school time? Or is she the type that likes you online and when she is with her "clique" she doesn't know your name?

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Hi JD. I think the best thing to do is just be yourself. Girls don't like it when guys put on a show, or try to act like something they aren't. They like knowing that the guy they are talking is not going to be someone different outside of school. Don't worry about being nervous, girls are just as nervous about guys. Remember you are all in the same boat and try to have fun and be yourself.

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lol, yeh unfortuantely still in high school, 3 yrs left 'groan'. yeh we do talk in school time, but it's usually her that starts the conversations as i suck at just chatting to people. she seems pretty animated when we're talking and thats why i wanted to show her that i like her, so she doesn't think i'm not interested

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Well, I guess you can focus on her when you talk to her. Look her in the eye and make her feel as if she's the only girl in the school. That should make her think you're interested.


Start diggin her to show her, you're interested too. Ask about the things she like and etc... Maybe you could conclude it by asking her out. I hope things turn out good for you. Best of luck.

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