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Confused Teen (M) is really confused :-s

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Okay, so here's what's going on:

Monday I told this girl, who I have been friends with, that I liked her. I geuss it kinda took her by surprise and she said that she needed some time to think about it. Okay, that's expected.

Tuesday she would barely even look at me and would hardly even talk to me. Whenever I approached her at her locker, like I do everyday, she stood there for a while and then said she had to go do something. I wasn't going to ask her what she decided because I didn't want to make her feel like I was rushing her or putting her on the spot.

Wednesday during break I went to her locker like I always do. We made a little small talk for a while and then she said she new it wasn't right to make me wait like that without an answer and that she was sorry. It was really hard for her to find her words. Then she said that she didn't believe in sugar coating anything, so I told her not to. So then she just bit her lip and looked me in the eye and shook her head no. Okay, I figured as much. I kinda sensed that she wasn't ready to be in a relationship yet but I really like her and it was driving me crazy. I couldn't wait any longer. "A love unexpressed is a crime against the heart" as they say.

But Thursday and today (Friday) she's been acting strange. She won't speak, or for that matter even look at me when we pass in the hall. When I go to her locker to talk to her she always has somewhere to go or something to do. Then she goes off and talks to her friends. And at lunch she will just say a couple of words to me.

I understand that she doesn't want to go out with me, but why is she acting like she doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore? This just doesn't make sense to me. I mean, I'm not treating her any differntly. Have I done something wrong? I

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Since you were friends before it makes the situation a little more difficult for her. My daughter had the same problem with many of her guy friends. She thought by not talking with them a lot that they would stop hitting on her or thinking that they had a chance with her. She still wanted to be friends with them but every time she thought they were back to normal they'd pick up on her again. Just give her some time. Eventually she will miss talking to you and start talking to you again. Sometimes finding another girl to hit on helps

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hm.. although I don't know how to help you.. I just thought I would comment by saying something similar has happened to me.. but she knew i liked her then she started getting all flirtacious with me.. or so I thought.. so I asked her out.. eh.. well sorta.. I wrote her a letter says and only saying "will you go out with me?" becuase I was pressured for time and I had to know but couldn't ask.. anyhow.. finally she replies with a no.. because I'm to much of a friend.. that was January the 7 then on january the 13 she said she had something to tell me.. and on the 14th she asked me out.. only to break up with me on the 19th.. the whole time we were "dating" she never talked to me.. or anything. so when we broke up.. if we were ever going out to begin with.. we got in some fight which was fixed.. or I hope so.. becuase we still talk and such.. I don't know.. I still like her and I'm fully positive she'll never date me.. or anything.. but I don't know.. it's just been crazy for me.. oh sorry.. for going off topic.. but just give her time.. she'll either befriend you or not.. If she doesn't.. her lost..

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