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Please dont forget me...

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...Well, that is what she texted me while I was at the office.


If anyone has been following my saga I would appreciatte any advice.


The last time we spoke was two months ago, and I told her to not contact me every again. I was confident and strong and she sensed it.


She contacted me a month after that, which was two weeks ago. She wanted to talk. I once again told her to never call me again, and if she did, then I would change my number. She cried, said she missed me, blah blah blah. I didnt fall for it and told her there was no point in talking ANYMORE. I thought she got the drift. Well I guess not!


Every time she calls or texts me, it makes it a bit more difficult to move on.


I am just asking why?

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Its like they have no idea how hard it actually is to be moving on. Its like they have no idea how much we actually do love them still (deep inside) and that we're only being so harsh to protect ourselves right now because we're trying to HEAL!!...


Feel ya Michael, seems like shes still playing games (intentionally or not). You have to remain resolute and not give in to what seems like emotional blackmail right now. Obviously her tears might have worked wonders for her in the past, bet you've succumbed every time..but not now..you've moved on mate, and doing a good job of it...


So i guess just remain strong. Shes obviously feeling very lonely, and no doubt misses the love you once unconditionally gave her but guess you've had enough of the games it seems. Don't mean to sound too harsh on your ex as i don't know her but seems like she need to grow up and appreciate how hard it is for you to maintain contact while you're healing. Maybe you need to reiterate that to her. Concentrate on number one right now, be selfish mate - for now that is, and continue moving forward!..


best of luck dude!


Kind Regards

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Michael......I have to say this......and ask a question as well.....



Do you NOT want to ever get back with her? If that is the case, then I guess I understand your attitude, but dont understand why you are here on this site.....


If it is NOT the case, then why are you so negative towards her trying to contact you? That is a good thing, and you are being way too forthright to her in your negativeness.


Your opinion is one thing, but I can say that the majority of the people here DO want to get back together with their ex's and would like some contact at some point, and by you telling her to NEVER contact you again, that advice does not work for what the people in this forum are trying to do in my humble opinion.


Try to stay positive bud!!....


I am on day 45 of no contact.....she contacted me on day 28 and TODAY!....I am playing it cool....I am going to get to the point where SHE will ask me back....and that is what my overall goal is here.....I do not want to drive her away.....


good luck and take care.....

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