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i am in a deadlock pls help me out

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I have been close to my one of my first cousins. For the past one year I have been staying in her home. During this time I developed a deep feeling and care on her. Nowadays I feel jealous about her friends esp boys, I always worry that she may fall in love with one of her friends. I am not able to accept she falling in love with some one. Noday goes without suspecting her activities. I donno in what relationship i am maitaining with her. Is it love ??. I know for sure that I can't accept her marriage or physical relationship with some one. I have explained my situation to her also, she also understood my point. But we both definetly don't want to do anything wrong, because we respect our family values. But I am worried about the future a lot. Pls help how to get out my feelings from her.




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Yikes, your in a tough situation. First thing I would find out is it legal where you live to have sexual or maritial relationships with a first cousin. Even if it's not your first intention to have any relationship with her, you must first know those ground rules. Secondly how would your families react if you two did end up together beyond friends? If it's not legal you might as well distance yourself because your just looking for trouble. You must also weigh how much hurt it could cause in the family if it is infact legal. Another consideration is that having kids with first cousins is a big risk because of genetic defects. I bring all of this up because it sounds like you are already attached to this girl, does she in fact feel the same way? This is all so risky. If she feels the same for you, if it's legal, and the family wouldn't put up too much of a fuss, then just see where things go. Otherwise distance yourself from your cousin as it sounds like you are already spending too much time with her. Just my opinion, hope it helps.

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  • 2 months later...

brz, all i can say is get the *** outta ya house and have some fun!!!


I'll tell u this now, and believe me, "the only reason your lovin this girl is because u dont know any others"! Mate, it may sound simple but it's sound truth. full stop!


Read ---> Go out and meet girls, Push your self, and be a ***in sick cunt! *** every one else, just know you are what ever it is u want to be! Know it!


If u find some1 else in this live who's gonna help u then congrats, coz i aint found 1 yet!


do it for u my friend, and remember, the only way something will come to u is by u having a total certinty about it.


Hope u get my drift!




P.S u prob wont understand the words im tryin to convay. U know that feeling that u get when you know nothing else is going to help u but yourself, well thats the feeling that u gotta get, know it, understand it and become friends with it.


Look it in the eye, "now yourself" just like in the matrix, then u wont even care what girls think of u.


Goold luck friend.!


Love the Game and everyone else! haha

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