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slowly going out of my mind

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it sounds like you are going through a rough time. Venting on this site is a great way to help yourself. I don't think any of us could say for sure what your ex is feeling, but after being with you for that long, it would be hard for me to believe that the break up would not affect him. Who knows though, some people have that amazing ability to shut off those emotions. The point is, it doesn't really matter at this point. What matters is *you* and your emotional well being. We would all love to think that our exs are suffering without us, but the sad reality is that a lot of them started to move on before the relationship ended. you said that he told you he lost feelings for you a few weeks ago. People don't just lose feelings overnight, generally, they slowly detach themselves emotionally or just never let themselves get attached beyond a certain point in the first place. When you say that he doesn't talk about anything to anyone, that makes me think he has trust issues, and that often causes major problems in relationships.


look at it this way, you say that he loved you for your personality. Someone else will love you for it too. Hopefully, he will realize at some point what he has lost, but you should not have to sit around waiting for that day to come, even if it does happen there's a good chance you won't even know about it. All that you can do right now is focus your attention on moving on. Come to this site as often as you need, read all the posts about it, The morrigan has writted two incredible articles that you should read as many times as necessary to help you deal with these emotions. Please feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to. Believe me, I know how you are feeling right now.

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