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Me and my girlfriend been dating for almost 3 years in December


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How can you stay with the same person for this long no matter how difficult things get.For one My only close friend (neighbor) passed way in his sleep and before I knew he was missing for like over a week.And he was 47 but I looked up to the guy.And I knew him for 10 years. He lost his job several times and nothing worked out for him and he was a bachelor.And for me I just lost my job and this is the 3rd time this has happened to me within the last couple years.I'm not the only one that has happened there is allot of this crap going on accross the country.I hate getting laid off it sucks.I got problem with my girlfriend now she told me that I feel distant from her because she tells me that I'm the one she's been looking for.And she wonders why I feel distant from her. And she doesn't understand and I just don't know if I feel the same way as she does.I don't have many friends no close ones anyway it's so hard to meet people in a small town less than 9,000.I'm living with my parents but thank god for that.It just feels like me and my girlfriend should be close friends instead of something special.How am I ever going to move out of my house if I keep getting laid off?I've been with this job for 6 months and I'm a welder. I only have like 9 months of welding experience most places require like 1 year of experience.It's hard for me to find a job because of my disability.I'm really hurt right now.

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Well, first take one day at a time. Maybe take a job outside of your field or look at moving to find work in your field. As for your gf, do you perhaps have expectations of her making you feel happy and wonderful? You are in a very depressing situation and honestly no one but you can make you feel happy or get out of your depression.


That's way too much of an expectation to put on a relationship. If she loves you and is there for you, don't you think that is a lot? Relationships require a lot of work and commitment. You sound like you don't want to put either in.


If you honestly don't want to I think its a shame to string the girl along but I think now is not a good time for you personally to be making anymore changes in your life then is already happening to you.


I hope that helps you somewhat. Try to do your best looking for work each day. If you are doing your best, no one can expect more then that from you. You are only a man.

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wow, thats a lot of stuff at once.


I think lumu makes a good point about the job.

In general get out there and try new things. If its difficult to meet people where you live, consider moving. I did it to. I know its not easy. I miss my family and friends a lot, but it was really worth it. I moved to New York from Switzerland. I don't even know how many 1000 miles that is.


It seems to me like you're surrounded by all kinds of challenges that seem to be interconnected. Your girlfriend, your job, your social circle..etc.


I really strongly suggest you try new things. New hobby, new job, new school maybe, new town and maybe even a new girlfriend. As far as I know you only have one life to live, do you really want to bet all you have on this town/job/social-circle?


Get out there, be proactive. I know its easier to be angry. I've been there believe me, not the same situation but the same feelings. Have the courage to get out of your comfort zone and I promise you, you will feel like you've been reborn.


Good luck!

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