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Where to go to find woman and what to say to them when u do


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My main problem is that i work and go to school so i don't really have much time to go out. Not to mention the fact that I don't really like going out by myself, ya know? to a movie, or eat or something like that. I'll go to the beach and hang out places like that by myself, no problem.

But I was just wondering where most girls like to hang out or where do they go to meet guys? And when i do find the girl I'd like to talk to, how do women like to be approached? What would be a good pickup line or conversation starter?


~Camaro Joe

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Okay, so you have a busy schedule... Have you tried the internet? Its a way to meet girls... Actually, if you go to a movie alone, and just happen to spot a hottie alone, when your walking out, seriously you can comment on the movie to her on the way out, perhaps its a conversation starter... Going and doing something alone, is not a sign of weakness by any means... It actually shows that your idependent, and not clingy. Honestly, where do most girls hang out? If the majority of girls are like me a shopaholic, then the mall... Actually, barnes & noble could be cool place, if you think about it, if you spot someone in the cafe you can comment on their book or something... Then theres your bars, clubs, and parties... When you see a girl you like please don't use chessy pick up lines... A simple compliment can go a long way... And most important be your-self...

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